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Mississippi Water Stewards (MSWS) is the state’s first statewide, citizen-based water monitoring and education program dedicated to building the capacity in every major Mississippi watershed for citizens to understand local water issues, respond via monitoring if necessary, and lead local efforts to protect water resources through scientifically sound, actionable solutions.

The Mississippi Water Stewards program serves three purposes:  

  • Educating citizens about water issues in Mississippi and the world;

  • training citizens to use scientifically valid methods to gather credible water quality information using quality-assured protocols; and

  • building capacity in local communities to have a positive impact by using monitoring information for environmental education, waterbody restoration and protection efforts, and involvement in watershed stewardship.


Water Monitoring Certifications

MSWS offers three certifications in water monitoring:

Water Chemistry Monitoring 

For testing physical and chemical characteristics of water, such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, hardness, pH, turbidity, and salinity (in coastal/brackish waters). Volunteers test these characteristics once a month.

Bacteriological Monitoring

For detecting indicators of fecal contamination such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) and other coliform bacteria in water. Citizen monitors are trained in bacteriological sampling, plating, incubation techniques, bacterial counts, and water quality standards. Volunteers sample bacteria at least once a month, usually more frequently (weekly) during swimming season in recreational waters.


Assessing the types of organisms (fish, macroinvertebrates, algae) living in a waterbody to determine its water quality. MSWS volunteers sample macroinvertebrates such as insects, crustaceans, snails, and mollusks living in wadable water to determine its water quality.


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To become a certified monitor, a 2-part training is required, consisting of completion of online coursework and completion of an in-person workshop. The online course takes approximately 3 hours to complete and can be completed any time before the workshop.

Online Course must be completed before attending the in-person training.



Each citizen is trained in EPA-approved testing methods for water chemistry and bacteriological parameters.

Water chemistry testing includes: Temperature, pH, Alkalinity, Hardness, Dissolved Oxygen, and Turbidity utilizing standardized methods, test kits are manufactured by LaMotte.

Bacteriological testing includes: culturing of fecal coliforms utilizing Coliscan Easygel methodology in triplicate followed by calculation of coliform forming units (CFUs).


The MSWS program is to have the capacity in every watershed in Mississippi for citizens to understand water local issues, respond via monitoring if necessary, and to lead local efforts for protecting water resources through scientifically-sound actionable solutions.

The important aspect is water quality.


For recreational use, it's essential to ensure that the water you're entering is safe and clean.


By "clean," we’re specifically referring to bacteria levels—ensuring there aren’t harmful pathogens like E. coli or other coliforms.


Bacteria in the water can make people sick, so there's a process in place to test and monitor this, and we're working on expanding a larger program to improve it. This ties back to environmental monitoring, where we regularly check the water to confirm it’s safe using water sampling methods.


Volunteers have been helping with this for years, but this
is the first organized, citizen-led effort in the Pine Belt!


There’s also chemistry monitoring to ensure the water conditions are suitable for aquatic life, such as fish and other species that rely on that habitat for food and shelter.


A variety of pollutants can affect water quality—everything from paint spills, bleach, and pesticides, to household chemicals from your yard. All of these end up somewhere, typically in nearby creeks. These chemicals can be dangerous, so it’s crucial to monitor them. Monitoring water quality helps identify pollution, safeguard ecosystems, and ensure safe, clean water for your community.


By becoming a water steward, you play a vital role in protecting and preserving this precious resource.


As a steward, you become the eyes and ears of local waterways, helping to detect early signs of contamination or habitat degradation. Your efforts contribute to data collection that informs policy decisions and supports conservation efforts. Plus, you’ll gain hands-on experience in environmental science and make a tangible impact on the health of rivers, lakes, and streams.


PWCG launched a water monitoring pilot last year testing one site at each of the Bouie, Leaf and Gordon’s Creek.  Thanks to a mini-grant from MSU Extension, we look forward to certifying more monitors and sampling more sites in the Leaf River watershed this year.


By caring for water today, you help ensure a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come!


© 2020 by Piney Woods Conservation Group

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